
uniqueid setnumber position footnote tracktime jamchartnote song_id isrecommended showid songname song_slug showdate artist_id artist artist_slug venuename venue_slug city state country permalink
10576 1 9 with They Love Each Other teases Jam unfurls in a supportive fashion while Jake shines. Slow and contemplative new space at 7 min, with They Love Each Other tease at 7.5 min. Clav and guitar exploration at 8.5 min over a patient groove. Tempo picks up and a springy jam builds, then cruises, e.g. 11 min. Rhythm section maintains the groove effortlessly. They build around a Jake Birdland passage at 12:40 mark, lean back on TLEO at 14.5 min, then a jaunty up-tempo spurt of country genius kicks in. Party! Fades at 17 min to Hux. 275 1721746826 Laurel laurel 2024-10-22 1 Eggy eggy Wooly's woolys-des-moines-ia-usa Des Moines IA USA eggy-october-22-2024-woolys-des-moines-ia-usa.html
10580 1 13 Barabajagal, The Ocean and Black Dog (Led Zeppelin), Hey Arnold Theme, Smile (Swing Style) and One More Dance teases Teases galore! Spare Jake and Dani call-and-response at 6 min serves a riff the band builds around. Grows expansive and noisier, mainly via Dani’s synths, e.g. 8.5 min. Jazzy section at 10 min is sublime, in Windup-adjacent space after 12 minutes. Flirts with Buying Time riff after 12.5 min, but walking bass jazz vibes continue as Jake fans his way to peaky vibes at 14 min before a smooth return to vocals. Little coda jam around 17 min tees up a return to Laurel from earlier in set. 15 1721746826 Buying Time buying-time 2024-10-22 1 Eggy eggy Wooly's woolys-des-moines-ia-usa Des Moines IA USA eggy-october-22-2024-woolys-des-moines-ia-usa.html
10582 e 15 Jake on acoustic, Alex on cajon, and Mike on upright bass, with Cassidy (Grateful Dead), Let It Rock (Chuck Berry) and Plasma (Trey Anastasio) teases Acoustic encores this tour have not precluded exploration and improvisation. Give this a listen! 143 1721746826 Rubin and Cherise rubin-and-cherise 2024-10-22 1 Eggy eggy Wooly's woolys-des-moines-ia-usa Des Moines IA USA eggy-october-22-2024-woolys-des-moines-ia-usa.html
10583 e 16 Jake on acoustic, Alex on cajon, and Mike on upright bass, with Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles), Slipknot (Grateful Dead), Rubin and Cherise, Stash (Phish) and Northern Lights teases, Little Feat cover Jake's dexterity and ability to weave in and out of touchstone melodies on acoustic guitar make this jam worth your time. 122 1721746826 Spanish Moon spanish-moon 2024-10-22 1 Eggy eggy Wooly's woolys-des-moines-ia-usa Des Moines IA USA eggy-october-22-2024-woolys-des-moines-ia-usa.html