A: The Carton is a place for fans of Eggy to view setlists, track your show stats, and explore your Eggy history!
A: By registering with an account on The Carton, you can record personal shows and statistics as well as contribute reviews of Eggy shows.
A: Once you have registered and created an account, click on your account in the menu, go to "shows & groups," create a new group "Shows I Attended" and follow the given directions. From there, go back to your account, and click on "shows and groups" again. There will be a button under "actions" called "Add/Remove Shows." Once you click there, you'll be able to choose the shows you have attended. Once you have added all of the shows, you can click on "Run Stats" on your group and select the criteria you want to analyze.
A: This was written, and is maintained, by Adam Scheinberg. He can be found at adamscheinberg.com. It's based on a software system called stlst.