Notable Jams

Show Date SongArtist Venue Name City StateNotes
2025-02-06ShatterEggy Stache, The Grand Rapids MIBaked-in gorgeous composed section at 3-5 min. Stretches with snare at 7 min and gets peaky 8-11 min. The bright melody as jam turns home at 11 min is distantly reminiscent of The Shape I’m In.
2025-02-08ShatterEggy Fine Line Music Cafe Minneapolis MNSweeping, stretchy play. Jam lightens at 12 min to set up Midnight Moonlight segue.
2025-02-08ShatterEggy Fine Line Music Cafe Minneapolis MNRhythmic Wah pedal at 3 min. Nice whistling synth touches as a groove develops by 5 min with synthy Mike tones as a tasteful centerpiece, e.g. 6-7 min. Tees up Laurel after 8 min.
2025-02-23ShatterEggy Belly Up Tavern Solana Beach CASong picks up mid-lick and gets after it immediately. Full band wail. The Force Theme tease at 4 min. Back to Shatter proper at 5 min.
2025-02-26ShatterEggy State Room, The Salt Lake City UTInstrumental composed section at 5-7 min is superb. With grandeur; the perfect tee-up for a jam. Shallow Rivers adjacent before 8 min, then bluesy Jake play. Flodown-esque at 9 min. Chirpy guitar as piano driven peak rolls at 10-11 min while Mike keeps us on the farm. Back to composed instrumental at 12-14 min, then vocals.
2025-03-01ShatterEggy Boulder Theater Boulder COBluesy stank and piano at 9 min as we shake form. Circular Jake play with Clav before 11 min. Organ swells compliment a slow bass groove at 12 min, then quiets. Patient and fluid guitar play over a synthy groove with keys, e.g. 15 min. Rolling piano and sustained guitar at 17 min amidst an active-yet-understated groove; rising toward a peak. Satisfyingly peaky stretch, e.g. 20 min.

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