Notable Jams

Show Date SongArtist Venue Name City StateNotes
2024-02-23Southern CrossEggy Foundry, The Athens GA"Rufus" on the saxophone (a Dani keyboard patch) at 5 min is always fun. Percussive, steady groove follows. Synths weave around guitar lines, e.g. 8 min. Throaty bass after 9 min yields a head-bobbing groove. Shadow tease emerges after 11 min, but the band plays several minutes of unique improvisation as guitar and keys froth up a peaky stretch before officially moving into Shadow.
2024-10-11Southern CrossEggy Do512 Lounge Austin TXAlex drum pad at 8 min & angular Jake play interspersed with jazzy licks after 9 min tee up the exploration. Mike synth play at 10 min galvanizes the band; Dani synth tones are the cherry on top. Everyone effortlessly congeals around an Alex choogle after 11 min & builds energy as a single unit. Organ & piano accents compliment guitar heroics as the jam peaks in a prolonged fashion after 14 min. Rhythm section stunningly keeps the pedal to the metal until a silky smooth return to Southern Cross at 17.5 min.

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