Eggy > Songs > Farthest Step > Performances

Farthest Step has been performed by Eggy in 24 shows. It was last played 2024-04-10, which was 6 shows ago.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2022-03-25 Madison Live, Covington, KY354Debut
2022-03-26 Kenny's Westside Pub, Peoria, IL1
2022-04-08 Ardmore Music Hall, Ardmore, PA4
2022-04-13 Fete Music Hall, Providence, RI3
2022-10-13 The Met, Pawtucket, RI28
2022-12-03 Old Town Pub, Steamboat Springs, CO15
2022-12-10 Bourbon On Division, Chicago, IL3
2022-12-11 Beachland Tavern, Cleveland, OH1
2022-12-28 The Cutting Room, New York, NY1
2023-02-17 The Orpheum, Flagstaff, AZ6
2023-04-29 Wonder Bar, Asbury Park, NJ25
2023-05-07 The Basement, Nashville, TN6
2023-05-19 Deep Dive, Ithaca, NY6With Biblioteca (Carbonated Insight) teases
2023-06-08 Buffalo Iron Works, Buffalo, NY6
2023-09-15 The Independent, San Francisco, CA29
2023-09-19 Goldfield Trading Post, Sacramento, USA3
2023-09-29 Aggie Theater, Fort Collins, CO8
2023-11-19 The 8x10, Baltimore, MD11
2023-11-30 The Capitol Theatre, Macon, CA2
2023-12-12 George’s Majestic Lounge, Fayetteville, AR10
2024-02-17 Madison Live, Covington, KY11Without Jake, due to an amplifier malfunction
2024-02-23 The Foundry, Athens, GA4
2024-03-21 Atlantis, Washington, DC7
2024-04-10 The Bottleneck, Lawrence, KS5With Barabajagal (Donovan) and Star Wars Theme (John Williams) teases

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